Monday, 15 August 2011

Tax News Round-up July 2011

  1. Penjelasan berhubung dengan "Service Charge" / "Government Tax" / "Service Tax"
  2. On 11 August 2011, Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) will hold a special consultation session with relevant stakeholders to discuss matters related to taxation on limited liability partnerships (LLPs) in Malaysia.
  3. Draft GST Guide on Duty Free Shop and GST Guide on Designated Areas.
  4. Certification Bodies under Section 34(6)(ma) of the Income Tax Act
  5. Transfer Pricing Information on Cross Border Transactions Form
  6. From 1 June 2011, IRB increased its penalties for late filing of tax return. Penalties are imposed based on the length of delay that the return is submitted.
  7. Submission of Form CP204 for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) -
  8. New sample dividend voucher showing the different categories of dividends paid -
  9. Deadline to submit January 2011 tax return form C and R is 31 August 2011.
Wishing all our Muslims friends a Selamat Hari Raya!!!

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