Thursday, 7 May 2015

Understanding GST Tax Codes - Part 10

This is the last recommended 3 tax codes 


Supplies which are supply given relief from GST. Example supplies of goods to schools, supply of wheelchairs to private charitable entity for persons with disability.

P.U.(A) 273 - Goods and Services Tax(Relief) Order 2014
​P.U.(A) 59 - Goods and Services Tax (Relief)(Amendment) Order 2015 

DescriptionDr.Cr.Tax Code
Reliefed SuppliesBank / Cash
GST - Output Tax


Disregarded supplies which includes supplies within companies under group registration, supplies within warehouses under Warehouse Scheme.

DescriptionDr.Cr.Tax Code
Disregarded SuppliesBank / Cash
GST - Output Tax
Sales to company in a GroupGS


Adjustment made to output taxes
Long Period Adjustments
Bad debts recovered
Outstanding invoices more than 6 months
Other output tax adjustments

DescriptionDr.Cr.Tax Code
Bad Debts recoveredBank / Cash
GST - Output TaxAJS
Trade debtors

Previous: DS and OS

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